2019 Results - Antwerp, Belgium
The 2019 WBMC was held in Belgium May 17-19. Top 3 of each category are below by name, competitor number, country, and score, shown using the Dense Ranking System (1223).
Best In Show
Best In Show: Eugen Hipp
Photo Courtesy of bartweltmeister.de
Ladies Best In Show: Müge Mete
Photo Courtesy of worldbeardchampionships.com
MOUSTACHE Categories
Wolfgang Schneider (#17), Germany - 41.5
Matyas Kiss (#19) Hungary - 40
Rolf Huber (#498), Czech Republic - 39
Patrick Fette (#21), USA - 49
Berd Hidebrandt (#30), Germany - 43
Shawn Fore (#22), USA - 41
Russell Bristow (#41), UK - 44
Nathan Wilson (#46), USA - 43
Max Pankow (#44), Germany - 42
Eugen Hipp (#64), Germany - 47
Frank Wiegand (#65), Germany - 43
Jackie Lynn Ellison (#66), USA - 42.5
Zsolt Jaromi (#79), Hungary - 45
Rainer Frech (#77), Germany - 43.5
Bruce Roe (#81), USA - 41
PARTIAL BEARD categories
Natural Goatee
Wolfgang Servay (#110), Germany - 42.5
Patrick Dawson (#103), USA - 42
Hans Unverricht (#112), Germany - 41.5
Chinese Moustache (Fu Manchu)
Lutz Giese (#123), Germany - 48
Patrick Langley (#124), USA - 47
David Benson(#122), USA - 44
Erwin Butsch (#136), Germany - 45.5
Jürg Biland (#128), Switzerland - 42
Andrew Parry (#133), UK - 41
Imperial Partial Beard
Gilles Polinien (#153), France - 47.5
Luc Dierckx (#149), Belgium - 45.5
Haim Hoffmann (#150), Germany - 43
Sideburns Natural
Michael Wallage (#176), UK - 46
Paul Card (#169), UK - 44
Patrick Quinn (#174), USA - 43.5
Alaskan Whaler
Luke Sumpter (#193), USA - 43.5
Jason Hall (#192), USA - 42
Robert Mevec (#189), USA - 41
FULL BEARD Categories
Guillaume Renouf (#234), France - 45
Karl Roos (#244), Switzerland - 43.5
Yohann Catton (#226), France - 42.5
Franz Pill (#264), Germany - 43.5
Anton Reimann (#265), Switzerland - 41.5
Denis Zen (#272), France - 41
Natural Full Beard max 30 cm
Anatole Ivanow (#291), New Zealand - 43
Bjorn Verheyden (#486), Belgium - 42
R. Cole Meneghetti (#299), USA - 41
Natural Full Beard more than 30 cm
Fabrizio Bottos (#326), Italy - 43.5
Luke Tottle (#506), UK - 43
Madison Rowley (#359), USA - 42.5
Natural Full Beard with Styled Moustache
Andrew Kloss (#392), USA - 46.5
Lee Andrews (#366), UK - 42.5
Tibor Vona (#391), Hungary - 41
Freestyle Categories
Lucio Battista (#87), USA - 46
Jeffrey Moustache (#88), USA - 44
Eddy Vanderschueren (#93), Belgium - 40
Partial Beard
Dieter Besuch (#198), Germany - 44.5
Anthony Carty (#199), USA - 43.5
Norbert Topf (#212), Germany - 43
Full Beard
Hans-Peter Weis (#410), Germany - 48
Aarne Bielefeldt (#395), USA - 45
Garey Faulkner (#415), USA - 44.5
Ladies comprehensive scores are not available at this time
Creative Moustache
Sarah Schoenwolf, USA
Susan Spencer, England
Kat Crawford, USA
Realistic Moustache
Müge Mete, Germany
Melissa Fette, USA
Angela Alba-Dirico, USA
Creative Beard
Alice Jelley, England
Azlyn Gutierrez, USA
Tisha Clinkenbeard, USA
Realistic Beard
Christine A. Hackman, Canada
Alexia Hall, USA
Karina Benish, USA